biggest bag - the only game type right now. the host defines the bag size, and participants compete to get the largest bag by weight or size.

cull - in fishing, the act of culling is when an angler or team has reached their limit (bag size) of fish and have to either replace the fish they just caught with one of the fish from the livewell. the great thing about scale is you do not need to keep the fish in a livewell and the app will just auto-cull your smallest fish for you.

below is the configuration option when setting up a game:

and this is what culling looks like during a game:

game - what users participants join and what hosts create. the only game type right now is biggest bag**.** fishing games in real life can be called challenges, competitions or derbies.

host - the creator of a game

participant - any user who has been invited to the game in focus. it does not matter if this user joined the game, or even joined and left...if they were invited then they are a participant of the game and show up in the participant list.

competitor - any user who has been invited to the game in focus, that is not the user in focus. competitor can be a host or a participant of a game.

user - anyone who has a scale account

game type? game object? end-user creator status
recreational game/challenge participant host invited > participating
tournament derby/tournament/competition ?? admin sign up > joined