There are two types of logos:
The wide logo, which has a small and large size and can be green-800 or gray-300
- for dimensions and svgs go to details in figma

The square logo, which is broken down in necessary sizes for:
- home screen
- activity sheet
- notification
for svgs go to figma

there are three formats for avatars:
28x28px circle shown in game details and participant drilldown view
- svgs can be exported here — especially the "nopic" example
48x48px square (4px corner radius) shown in add/search participant flows, and participant list
- svgs can be exported here — especially the "nopic" example
72x72px square (8px corner radius) shown in user's profile, and game leaderboard
- svgs can be exported here — especially the "nopic" example
fish photos
there are 2 formats for fish photos:
- 56x56 square (8px corner radius) shown in the add fish flow and in the "your fish" / "participant's fish" pages
- svgs can be exported here — especially the "no photo" example
- X size photo when tapping on photos in the "your fish" / "participant's fish" pages (to enlarge them) H+R to decide the sizing on this...whatever is easiest.